Maggie, Chris, & Farley: A Fall Day at Marymoor Park

Posted in Family, Pet

A few weeks ago I had a fun fall session with Maggie, her husband, Chris, and their big old basset hound, Farley, at Marymoor Park in Redmond. Fall was a little late this year and even though we didn’t have colorful piles of leaves to play in, we pretty much had the run of the dog park… and that was just fine by Farley who enjoyed running and sniffing e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g in sight.  With a bit of luck, and a few dog treats, we even got Farley to pose a bit.  Special thanks to Maggie’s friend, Rebecca, who wrangled Farley so I could get a few shots of Maggie and Chris alone!


This one just makes me smile. 🙂
